Monday, January 11, 2010


Charlie Daniels used to kick off his Volunteer Jam each year by saying "Aren't You Glad To Be Alive and Living In Tennessee?" Well.....Yes, I am glad to be alive and living in the Volunteer State. That being said, I will tell you that last week was...well....(TRYING TO THINK OF WORDS)....a week.

Middle Tennessee got hit with one of the coldest spells that we have been under in some time over the past week, which also included snow. It was pretty to see, but it was the kind that got on the roads, and made driving around kind of interesting. I had quite the time making it up our road. We woke up one morning to no water....anywhere, as our pipes froze up. This just didn't happen once, but a few times during the week. "Why didn't you leave the faucet dripping," you ask? We did.....It was that cold.

There were some other factors at play last week as well. I went out to my car to get some things I was working on, and picked up my box out of the car, only to slip, drop the box and all its' items, and hurt my side pretty good in the process. It still hurts, but has gotten a little more manageable.....It was the kind of week where you were glad that it was over with.

Still, it wasn't all bad. The family has been eating well, because Shannon has attacked cookbooks with a vengeance as of late. She's been trying out a lot of new recipes since Christmas, and they have all been delicious. The Cowboys won their first playoff game since 1996 Saturday night, and I had a great time last week interviewing Jimmy Fortune for my radio show, and for last week. So, as Forrest Gump once said....."It Happens."

I know we all have weeks that you feel they will never end, so I'm not looking for sympathy......but I was reminded tonight about an old Country song (not that it takes me that much to be reminded of old Country songs) that you just might identify with......Truth be told, I've never heard the record, but you might have.

Life Gets Teejus, Don't It? / Carson Robison)

The sun comes up and the sun goes down
And the hands on the clock go round and round
I just wake up and it's time to lay down,
Life gets teejus, don't it.

My shoe's untied, but, shucks, I don't care
Cuz I recon I ain't a-goin' nowhere
I'd brush my teeth and comb my hair
Just too much wasted effort.

The water in the well get lower and lower
Ain't had a bath in a month or more
I've heard it said and I'm sure it's true
That too much bathing will weaken you.

Danged ol' mule, he must be sick.
I jabbed him in the rump with a pin on a stick
He hunched his back, but he wouldn't kick
Something cock-eyed somewhere.

Hound dog's howling so forlorn
Laziest dawg that ever was born
He's howlin' 'cause he's settin' on a thorn
Just too tired to move over.

Well, the cow's gone dry and the hens won't lay
And my well dried up last Saturday
My troubles keep pilin' up day by day
And now I'm gettin' dandruff.

Roof's a-leakin' and the chimney leans
An' there's a hole in the seat of my old blue jeans
Now I've et the last of the pork an' beans
Just can't depend on nothin'

Mouse is gnawin' at the pantry door
He's been at it now for a month or more
When he gets through he'll sure be sore
Cause there ain't a dang thing in there.

Well, it's debts and taxes and pains and woes
Aches and miseries and that's how it goes
And now I'm getting a cold in my nose
Life gets tasteless, don't it.

Copyright Carson Robison.

Talk to you next week....unless I get laryngitis....LOL!