Saturday, June 15, 2013

A Second Chance

Two Days.

The mind can be a very dangerous or lethal thing. I found this out first hand, and it scared me to death – sort of.

As you know, I recently spent a week in the hospital – largely due to my mismanagement of diabetes – which I have been battling since 2005. There have been times since then that I have done ok with it....and times that I haven’t. The latter times have been partly due to insurance – or the lack thereof. I am not justifying anything other than to say that if you don’t have insurance, it’s easy to say ‘Screw it.’ Doctors – and nurses – work hard for their education, and deserve to be rewarded what they do. But, the health care system is flawed. When you are scared to go to the doctor for financial issues, there’s a problem – whether that’s me or anyone else.

But, as I was being admitted to the hospital for an infection in my toe, the doctor in the ER said ‘If you would have waited a couple more days, you wouldn’t be here.” I was also severely dehydrated the last couple of days before I went in. The words resonated in my head a little, but (since this is an honest blog, I am going to ‘Keep it real.’) My first thought was “Really?”

Understand that I was not trying to push the fast forward button into eternity. I wasn’t. But, there is a subconscious side to each of us – whether we want to admit it or not, and mine caught up with me. As I have written over the past couple of years, there have been several mistakes I have made. And, nobody kicks themselves any harder over them than I do. I wish that I just could look at a situation, cuss at it, and walk away....but I don’t. I hold it in. We all make financial mistakes, and I’m probably not done with that any time soon. I am not the first person to ever be divorced. It feels like it sometimes, but I’m not bad because of it. But, all the years of depression over it just kept me going further and further down a road that I didn’t know I was going down. The idea of walking away from such a rubble was a lot more tempting than I ever thought – I guess.

Over the next few weeks, I am going to have to learn some new things. Balancing insulin and diet – and not getting madder than a hornet if the numbers don’t reflect what I have honestly tried to do. If you are a diabetic, you know what I mean. You eat something low in carbs, you walk a mile, and you check your sugar – thinking ‘This is going to be great....’ and the numbers don’t make sense, and I would go off and stew about it. That has happened to me quite a bit over the years, but I’ve got to handle that better.

Walking – even though, everything should return to normal within time - There’s a toe that will not be there – but I am dang lucky that’s it. It could have been – and should have been much worse.

But, the biggest reprogramming for myself has to Letting the past go, and admitting where you were wrong...and when you might have been a victim of circumstances. That – more than adjusting to a carb count, leaving the Chinese buffet alone (except occasionally), and taking “care” of myself is going to be the big thing.

But, it’s not optional. I’ve got to do it. I have been blown away by the amount of cards, calls, emails, FB Messages, and tokens of generosity. My family and friends have made it clear that they want me around. So, I can’t walk away from that. More importantly, I don’t want to. So, it’s up to me. That’s a big statement, isn’t it? But, it’s the truth – and it’ time for me to work at it. It’s not going to be easy – and advice – if you have it – is welcomed – but it’s time for a “New” Chuck Dauphin. I guess, technically, past due......