Sunday, January 5, 2014

The Excitement Of A Snowfall

First of all, thanks to everyone who responded to my post regarding Brownie. Pets are a special part of all of our lives, and we were blessed to have her as a part of ours. Writing this in Hickman County tonight, as there is a little bit of excitement in the IT'S SNOWING! (Not simply in Waverly, where students in Dickson would always start rumors that it was snowing - in hopes that schools would let out early!)  It's amazing. It doesn't matter if you are a child or an adult. Driving in the snow is kind of a cool experience. And, there's nothing like being out of school...I remember calling WDKN like crazy as a kid, bugging Bill McCullough to death, asking if there was schools in Dickson County. LOL - You know what they say about paybacks? I got mine, for sure! I remember one night during my first season doing DCHS Basketball back in 1995. Coach Eve Hamilton and I were discussing the snow outside during the game - and I said 'As a teacher, I bet you hate that!" I'll never forget her response - the moment where I realized teachers were human - "Heck no, we want out as much as the kids."

Tonight, pulling into the Shell to put some gas in my car after Church, my mind went back to January 1985. I was in the fifth grade at the time. I went with my Dad to Dickson to Super X. (Wow, I am old.) It started snowing while we were in town, and snowed and snowed and snowed. I don't recall how many inches, but the temperature got down to -17 that next morning. For those that might recall, we were hit with so many snows that year that we had to go to school on Saturday three straight weeks - unless you were a sudden convert to Seventh - Day Adventist - like one of my friends (who shall remain nameless!). Looking back, I don't think anyone minded too much. Heck, I wouldn't mind going back to fifth grade for a few Saturdays now - or permanently, for that matter. This adult stuff kind of reeks sometimes!

To be honest, the thrill of seeing it snow kind of wore off. The temperatures are going to be very cold over the next couple of days, and I'm not as young as I used to be. Never thought I would say this, but bring on spring! Hunker down, and stay warm!