Wednesday, January 21, 2015

People Really Read Facebook!

I talk too much.

It’s something I can’t help, however. 

Since 2011, I have been a member of that social network called Facebook. And, I’ll be honest with you, there are times since then that I believe that I wouldn’t be here without it. It’s got me through some very tough times, and heck, I’ve picked up some great story ideas by reading other peoples’ feeds – not to mention, seeing what many of you have had for supper occasionally.

OK. I lied about that last line. Not that interested, just as you wouldn’t be that interested in my menu for the evening.

The thing that amazes me so much about the FB world is how instant it is. You put something out there, and people pick up on it quick. And….I put it out there….as I did the other night. I posted a request for prayer. I didn’t go into details, just asked for people to remember me.

And, the outpouring has been amazing.

Long story short, I am going through some things right now that I need to deal with. Some of them are by my own hand – health being one of them. I have let a lot of things go over the years, and there’s nobody else to blame but me. Merle Haggard once said “If I had known I was going to live to be this old, I would have taken better care of myself.” Well said, Mr. Haggard! That rings true for almost anyone, but with me – my problem is I never thought I was worth the taking care of. There is a degree of self-loathing that I have with myself that I need to get to the bottom of. And, it’s not a teacher from fifth grade, a bully from eighth, or an ex that put it there, it comes from within. I have got to find that reason out.

There are a few other decisions that I need to make about my life as well. As much as I like to talk, I’m not going to do it here. We all have things we need to do, some get done, and some don’t. But, I am kind of at a crossroads right now about a lot of things in my life. I don’t want what has been to be the best. I am trying to turn my thought process around and think that the best is yet to come. 

And, why shouldn’t it be? God has shown me his blessings in so many ways – particularly in my career the past four years. I have a son who I am very proud of – who truth be told, I wasn’t going to win any “Father of the Year” prizes…at least early, but I was still learning. And, I still am. I am also blessed with family – which includes a circle of people (that is a little wider than I even can imagine) who might not share my bloodline, but I am as close to as just about anyone. 

So, long story short, I’ve got to take control of my life in 2015. And, I’ll be honest. I am scared as hell. Aside from my career, so much in my life seems almost a lost cause at times…..but I have been praying about it – for God to show me the answers for what I need to do to make the next chapter of my life better than the previous. While I don’t know where to start, he will show me the way – as he has always done – and always will. 

Some of you might be thinking “You know, you’re not the only one who…..(fill in the blank), and that’s true, I’m not.” But, I wanted to let you know some of what was going on – all is fine career-wise, and work-wise. I’m working like crazy and loving it. Just time to make a few other transitions in my life…..if I can….

And, as Forrest Gump would say, ‘That’s All I’ve Got To Say About That.’