Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Slow Down...... But How?

Sometimes, things happen in life that are designed to make you think a bit about life and why you do what you do.

This is one of those weeks.

As I write this, I am in the hospital, a few hours away from (likely) some surgery that from a long-term effect, may give me a little more room for healing in my right foot – something that has been the goal for some time.

But, with that comes some advice, very well-intentioned advice, that I don’t quite know how to react to – “Slow Down.”

I have tended to approach my career in a full-throttle type mode. I want to do everything I can to leave no doubt in peoples’ minds about my talents. That was the case when I began my radio career back in 1991, and it still rings true today – whether I am broadcasting a high school sporting event or interviewing the Entertainer of the Year.

A lot goes into that place of thinking. First, there are several who have either made the comment – or inadvertently made me feel – that what I do is not a “career,” but rather an excuse to get out of more sensible work. I’ve tried to silence those voices in my mind, but sometimes they are still there. Also, unless you are one of a very fortunate few in this business, you’re always wanting to take advantage of every opportunity – every interview, every review, every chance to make people aware of what you can do. Granted, there’s room for a lot of writers, but you want to always put your name where people can see it. Simply put, I don’t want to be forgotten.

In the next few weeks, I am likely going to have to be a little more selective in what I cover live – at least for a while. What those selections will be – and how can I “slow down,” when you’ve still got to work? We will see!