Tuesday, August 10, 2010


I know that I haven't updated this blog as much lately, but just let me say that it has been a crazy past few weeks. Some of you know just how crazy it has been, and others will find out soon....but it's all good....Rather than write about just one thing...there were five different things on my mind this week.....

First and foremost, I will take this opportunity to say I love you and Happy Anniversary to my wife Shannon. Today marks three years together. I love you very much, and thank you for standing by me. I know it hasn't always been easy, but I love you. I think that rainbow is pointing to the right place. I know that you work as hard as you can, and it seems like I am always gone to cover this event or interview this person.....but I love you!

Secondly, I will beam just a little bit about Jamey Johnson---which I have done a lot of this year. I have just gotten an advance of his new album, and the CMA might very well go ahead and give the 2011 Album Of The Year award to him....It's that good....It comes out September 14.......Buy it.....

Third, and this is just an observation.....It is hot here in Middle Tennessee.....I saw an ant sweat turn down a picnic lunch yesterday because it was so hot.....Seriously, check on people who might need a little help during this summer's heatwave. I have been asking people whether they dislike the cold of winter or summer's heat...Of course, now they say summer.....but that will change. As for me, give me a cold night and three or four blankets, and I am happy.....Hope you are staying cool!

Fourth, last week was Election week in many places. Here in Hickman County, some fine folks won re-election to their posts, but in my native Dickson County, with one exception---it was vote out the incumbents....I don't know new Sherriff Jeff Bledsoe, but they don't come any finer than Bob Rial or Luanne Greer. That being said, I have to tip my hat to Bob Stone and Phil Simons---who have always represented Dickson County with class. My hat is off to you both. You have treated me with respect over the years, and i appreciate that!

And finally, Thursday marks the beginning of another football season, as all three of Dickson County's Middle Schools will be playing for the first time. I will be following Charlotte Middle over the river to Ashland City. I'm excited about it for a couple of reasons. The Tigers had a tough season last year, but I think they are going to be better. Also, I plan on saying farewell to one of my favorite places----Stratton's. The popular hamburger joint will be closing its' doors after nearly a forty-year run. When the Cougars used to play the Cubs in Basketball, it was not uncommon to see the Hamiltons and their Lady Cougars there, as well as some of the broadcasters. If you've never been there....you need to...Get a Reese's Blast (or whatever they are called there) for me....The owner, who has operated the business since 1971, is stepping down. Soon, Ashlanc City residents will have the luxury of a Walgreens in their hometown at the same location.....but I think that given a choice, they would rather see the red neon lights of Stratton's than the famous cursive logo of Walgreens....but that's change I guess. Eventually it catches up to us all, doesn't it?