Monday, September 23, 2013

If You Happen To Be In A Bookstore.....

If you go to a bookstore this week, pick up a copy of Billboard Magazine. I shouldn’t have to tell you that, of course. For over a century, Billboard has been the foremost musical publication in America. (Biased? Who me?) But, this week’s issue (dated September 28) is pretty important to me. I have a story inside – with an interview of Kenny Rogers, focusing on his upcoming album – You Can’t Make Old Friends.

Though the majority of my work for Billboard has been in the digital sector, I have been blessed over the past couple of years to have landed a few pieces in the print edition. But, if you know me, this one’s special.

More than any other musical artist, Kenny Rogers was the one who inspired me with his body of work. Go back in time with me to the late 1970s. Some of my earliest memories of records were watching the clouds on the United Artists label go around and around while I listened to songs like “The Gambler,” “Lucille,” and “Daytime Friends.” His music was a huge part of the soundtrack of my youth. Show and tell at Burns Elementary? I took my Kenny Rogers records. (Even though one day, I thought about taking my I Want To Be Like Mr. Tidwell When I Grow Up T-shirt. For the record, I’m still trying that one too!) When I was in middle school, there was a fashion line at J.C. Penney of Kenny Rogers dress shirts. Yep, I was the only one at JES Middle School who had them....(I was so much of an individualist back then!)

But, it was listening to those records that lit my fuse as a music fan. I became a fan of other artists, sure, but there was always something special about when Kenny Rogers released a new record - even to this day.

Since going to work for Billboard, I wonder sometimes if I act professional enough. I post a lot of Facebook pictures whenever I meet someone in the industry – legendary or newcomer – and I’ll be honest when I say I don’t see a lot of my fellow writers doing the same thing. But, I can’t help it. I’m a fan. I wouldn’t be doing this for a living if I didn’t have the passion for it. To be a part of telling the story of the artists I get to cover is an amazing feeling – one I don’t take lightly. But, yeah, there was a kid who spent his $ 10 a week on casssettes and records at Wal-Mart as a kid, who begged his father to take him to concerts at night when it meant another ride back to Nashville after a long day’s work – I now know how those trips to Music City add up. So, if I have ever offended anyone with that I apologize. But, trust me when I say, I don’t mean it that way. A new artist, Tyler Farr, put this in perspective last week. During an interview, he talked about taking all the pictures he could with artists he was getting to meet...because you only get one time around. So, let me say I am serious about my craft, but I also love my craft, as well.

Back to the Billboard issue this week, I do hope you will seek out a copy of this one. I have to get one or two myself. This one is as much a tribute to my parents as anything else I have ever done. So many times in my life, people would ask ‘I know you love listening tp music, but what are you going to Do for a living? They always believed. And, though I am little worse for the wear, and have traveled through a few roads I didn’t plan on nor did I expect, I am getting to do what I love to do. And, by the way, Kenny’s album is really good. You need to buy it on October 8!

Later this week, I will tell you about another country artist that inspired me recently in a different way......Stay tuned!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Michael Evans Is One Smart Fellow, Says Puddleglum!

Michael Evans, you’re a lot smarter than me. That kind of goes without saying. Let me explain this statement. Michael was one of my classmates at DCHS, Class of 1992. One day, while we were in the midst of those days, he referred to me as “Puddleglum.” For a lot of reasons, I’ve had that term on my mind today. Michael had a very interesting way of looking at things, so I always assumed that “puddleglum” was a word that he came up with. To my surprise, I found out that it refers to a character in the book The Silver Chair- part of the Chronicles of Narnia series. The character is described as “rather gloomy,” and by some of the characters as a “wet blanket.” LOL, That describes my ever-positive outlook on life!

I guess “Puddleglum” fits me this weekend. As I posted on Facebook, I am going to have some outpatient surgery on Monday – sort of related to my hospitalization in May. But, also, sort of not. It has to do with a spot on my foot that was barely even there when I went in. It’s actually for the best to get this taken care of, and it’s a lot better scenario than it could have been. But, it’s still not the way one would like to start their week. The idea of slowing down – even for a day or two – is not something I like to even entertain. Some might not like that, but it behooves (don’t I have the wide vocabulary tonight?) me to stay busy....Otherwise, I think.

Again, let me explain. Today, I had a great start to the day. I drove into Nashville for a meeting with some good friends of mine who are have started a new trio. I may not be the smartest person in the world, and there are others who have made a lot better choices – but talking with people about their love of the music business and the adrenaline shot one gets by being on 16th or 17th Avenue in Nashville – I love it. I simply do. There are people who do what I do better than me – but nobody enjoys their career more than me. But, I’ve written that, haven’t I?

As the afternoon progressed, and I returned home to the trusty old laptop I am typing on right now, “Puddleglum” set in. Today was a beautiful day in Middle Tennessee, with gorgeous conditions and pleasant temperatures. It was the kind of day that was made for a drive somewhere with someone in the passenger seat. But, not just know that “one.” Only thing is, she’s not there...right now.

My reaction to this fact is something that has changed a lot since 1990, when I earned that nickname...or 2005, for that matter. That’s encouraging. Being alone makes you realize some things about yourself, why you do things, and for whom you do things. I still want to find a relationship....but it’s got to be right. I don’t want to be forced into it, or feel that I’ve got to have someone to prove to people I can be in one – and that’s not a knock on anyone in my past. It’s just me stating a fact about how I approached things before. I was always so worried about making things work – even when they weren’t – because I didn’t want to look “less than.” Being alone is not how I want to spend my next twenty years – but there are worse things. Wow, that’s kind of prophetic. Plus, there aren’t many available women who have Porter Wagoner in their record collection. (Seriously, that’s not a pre-resquite, but I did see an attractive woman at McKay’s today who bought a John Conlee vinyl album....Note to self...there is hope!)

Anyway, I’m not sure what the point of any of this is, other than to say that five months shy of 40, “puddleglum” might have grown up a little bit. That’s not to say that drive through Montgomery Bell Park today wouldn’t have been more fun had I not been alone, but it’s going to happen. And, unlike the “good old days,” the next time, I’m going to enjoy it rather than worry about losing it – like I should have done once upon a time!

So, on assignment from Burns, TN, this is “Puddleglum” Dauphin signing out....and if you know a woman with a complete Kenny Rogers collection...