Sunday, June 23, 2013

A Beacon Whose Light Brightly Shines

Back in the 1970s, Donna Fargo enjoyed a huge hit with a song called “You Can’t Be A Beacon (If Your Light Don’t Shine).” The lyrics of the song talk about the example that one sets in their lifetime. This morning at Church, I thought about those words as the preacher – in his weekly pew notes – talked about things that as Christians, we don’t want to be. So, I started thinking about the right example that we need to sit, and there are several that have done so for me....but I wanted to shine the spotlight on someone this week that deserves to be there. Her name is Dean Gray.

I couldn’t tell you how long I’ve known her. I guess, since I started going to Church in 1982, it would be sometime around then, but more importantly, I can’t think of a time that I didn’t know her. She and her husband Ben had gone to Church at Burns for years even then, and three decades later – though she has been sick as of late – she can still usually be seen in one of the pews there.

One way you could describe her is a “brass tack.” She will tell you what she thinks in a New York minute. More often than not, you’d do well to listen to her words. She’s lived a lot of life in her years. From raising children to watching her husband get sick and sicker over the years, and she’s had her own health issues as well. But, in all my years of knowing this wonderful lady – I have never heard her once complain about anything she has gone or is going through.

On one of my recent conversations with her, we were discussing a situation that both of us have encountered in our personal lives that was very similar. I – the novice in life – was having a lot more of a problem with my reaction to it than she. She looked at me and said ‘Chuck, sometimes you’ve just got to let it go. People make their choices. You can either let it get to you or move on to another place.’ Looking back, I see she was right. I’m still trying, but further along that road than I used to be.

While there may be times where she gets down – whether from missing Ben or this family member or friend – she’s one of the most determined people I know. You might keep her down for a day or so – but she is going to get around it – and she does. I asked her one day about that fire, and she told me if she didn’t try to keep on keepin’ on, life would pretty much come to an end. And, just last week, I was reminded about how strong that spirit is. She had been in the hospital for a few days, and due to my own recent sickness – I hadn’t been by. I called her on my way to work last week, and once again, I was trying to call to cheer her up – and like always, I got the better of the call. ‘Chuck, you made my day. I love you,’ she said. I was not too happy with how the latest battle with my blood sugar was going, and in those moments, I forgot it all.

You can’t be a beacon if your light don’t shine. Those lyrics have never been more true in describing Dean Gray. I know of few who shine any brighter. I love you bunches. Get well. The back pew doesn't look the same without you!