Monday, June 23, 2014

Perhaps It Is Time To Advertise......

Today was an interesting day. I stopped at a store to get a birthday card for a friend, and somebody approached me, asking me “How’s that author?” But, they weren’t asking about me, they were asking about my ex-wife. I thought about the response, because the person is someone I have a lot of respect for – and had no way of knowing. I just smiled and said ‘Well, I don’t know, but we’ve actually been divorced for about two years.’ And, so the conversation moved on from there.

In thinking about it since then, I sincerely hope I handled things the right way. I have really tried to make a concentrated effort to move on from the past. Life moves on, and you do the best you can to go along with it. Both of us have picked up the pieces of what was – and have moved on with life. But, the strangest thing about this is there is really no bitterness about things anymore. Sometimes things just don’t work out. Kristofferson – whom I identify with a lot of lyrics more now than I did a decade ago – wrote a song once called “Two Stories Wide.” While that’s true, I am not going to get into the the rehash business. There’s no need to. But, I had to share this other thought that happened last week.

I had driven down to Huntingdon to see TG Sheppard and Kelly Lang in concert. I had gotten into town early, and had some work to do – you know, Have computer, will travel! So, I stopped at one of the local restaurants that had Wi-Fi. As I was pulling in, I had the radio on one of the local stations in West Tennessee, and this song came on. But, it wasn’t any other was “The Song.” I haven’t heard it in years......and there was no pain, no sadness, or melancholy. To be honest with you, I even smiled. Some of my friends have said that there would come a day when all the feelings you once felt – the pain, etc, would go away. It took a while, but I went back in time and it wasn’t a bad memory. It wasn’t meant to be...but there were some good times. It felt amazing to get to that point. I truthfully wish nothing but the best for everyone. Took a while, but that’s where I am.

Now, that being said. Being asked that question made me realize that I probably need to advertise a little more. Meeting someone is not easy for me. I’m not going to go up to someone in a club – or Walmart, and say in my best “Joey” voice - “How you doin?” I wish I had that confidence. And, to be honest, the idea that someone could be attracted to me is a little foreign. There’s been a few chances the past few years, but the moment something doesn’t feel right, I get spooked – and maybe that’s a good thing. If I get a vibe that someone thinks I am a little weird or work too much, that’s usually a red flag. You might think that’s perfectionist talk....but it’s not. I am off-center. Some people hate what they do, and try to get away from it. I am - as proven by my writing this at 11:09pm, a glutton. Most people wouldn’t describe themselves like that, but heck, I am being honest. I just don’t like feeling like I am being judged for it. I used to think that people wore white hats or black hats. Those lines have gotten blurred with life. My hat color is a little gray. I am a Christian, and proud to have seen my walk with God grow, but there are flaws and quirks I have – and not all of them are bad. That being said, I would love to meet someone again. it’s time, I think. But, my timeline has really worked well to this point. I’m leaving it to the man upstairs, I said, it might be time to take out a radio ad......Not everyone knows! They say that radio gets results....LOL!