Thursday, November 3, 2016

To The Next Level!

This week, I have to admit, there has been some doom and gloom in my outlook on life – more of the Winnie The Pooh / Charlie Brown type than real despair. I will spare you the details, as unless you know me….you have no idea. Let’s just say something happened – or didn’t happen – this week that I got my nose out of joint about. But, it’s not anything you will know about  - unless I tell you. And, to be honest, there are people with a lot bigger problems than that, so there.

But, it did make me aware of one thing. In 2017, I want to take my career to the next level – whatever that is. My health, which has always been a hinderance, is actually in as good of a spot as it’s been in years. My feet will never be like new, but almost everything else is in a good spot. If I can stay away from Chinese restaurants, I’d be even better. There is one minor issue that I still have going on, but my doctor says I just need to watch it – and drink more water. So, I’m trying to limit myself to one soft drink a day. Not fun. Someone once joked that I would enter the pearly gates with a Pepsi Max in my hand. That’s probably not far from the truth.

But, hopefully without that holding me back, I can work even harder and more than 2016. Sometimes I wonder how that can be. My goal is to average an article somewhere each day. I’ve done that – and then some. That’s even with six weeks in the hospital and a rehab facility, though I did several interviews from my room at NHC. I may not be the best, the loudest, or the funniest……but I will work as hard as anyone, and I think that shows.

My question – and I ask for anyone who does this journalism thing for a living – is, how do I get to that next level? I am not as funny as ______. I’m not as charismatic or witty as ________. I’m not as brassy as ________. LOL….I know the names, and each of them are my friends. We all have different personalities. I just hate the fact that I am so much of an introvert. After an event, I would much rather stop at Denny’s in Fairview and write about it, then go to one of the swanky parties, walk around the various food tables and feel alone. I’m not a snob or even shy, really. Put me in a group of two or three that I’m close with, and I’m a general smart-ass. And proud of it. Still, there are days that I wish I could toss a one-liner out at the drop of a hat, know more about The Walking Dead to fit in, or be more assertive. But, I think up snappy comebacks twenty minutes after the fact, can tell you what rerun of The Waltons aired the night before, and get quiet in crowds.

At the end of the day, I got some great advice from a great friend of mine who is a publicist in town. It came down to two words – Be yourself. So, that’s what I am stuck with. But, I have been blessed in 2016 to be able to work more than ever. I want that to continue. I don’t know anything else. There’s not a relationship in my life. It’s what makes me tick.

So, whether it be an artist bio, profile, album review, you name it, if you’re looking for a pen for hire in 2017, call me. And it doesn’t have to be about music per se. Some of my most enjoyable work has been the newspaper work I’ve done for The Dickson Herald, or The News Courier in Alma, Georgia. All is good in my world, but I just want to expand. It’s all I know, and I just want do more of it – and take it to the “next level,” wherever that is. Wish me luck!