Sunday, March 10, 2013

Those Cars Fly Fast!

The other night, I had tickets to see Randy Travis at the Schermerhorn Center. I arrived downtown a little early, so I had time to eat a bite. With that said, I got to indulge myself in one of my favorite restaurants – the Old Spaghetti Factory. There is nothing better than the browned spaghetti (either there or at Demos’), and it was a great meal. After that, it was time to make the walk to the Schemerhorn.

As I was walking through downtown, I saw a dog running around on Broadway. Obviously, the dog had gotten lost as it seemed to be wandering around aimlessly through the Nashville streets during rish hour. Fortunately, the dog made it through Broadway, and proceeded up one of the streets. Hopefully, it knew where it was going.

On the way home, the image of that dog stayed with me. Broadway at 5:30pm in Nashville is a scary enough proposition for humans – I can only imagine what an animal thinks when trying to navigate through it. But, something occurred to me – yes, Dauphin is doing his best Jack Handey right now with a “Deep Thought.” At times, we are nothing more than one of those animals. The busy street that we are trying to get through is life itself.

How do we, as humans, find our way across that proverbial highway? There are a lot of ways, but I am going to tell you what has worked for me. First and foremost, I realize I have not been by myself in that walk. God has been there since February 17,1974. Now, it has only been the past few years, sadly, that I realize how close he has been by my side. It’s taken a few professional and personal knocks along the way that have made me aware of this. My life is a lot different now than it was five years ago – and I’ve got to say that I am grateful for that. I didn’t design some of the things that have happened to me. I didn’t plan on being single again as I approach 40. I have written about that struggle before, but I do believe that someday that void will be taken care of, and I will be able to look back and say ‘I understand why this had to happen for this to happen.’

I also didn’t plan on some of the career steps that I have been blessed to take the past few years. And, I am trying to take full advantage of each and every one of them. I look back on some times in my life where things weren’t moving as fast as I would have liked, and I definitely can say that ‘I understand why this had to happen.’ I try to remind myself of that when the speed of life is 123mph, as it sometimes gets!

So, what is the point of these ramblings? I guess what I am trying to say is how thankful I am for everything that has happened in my life. The good, the bad, and the ugly. The past five years have been crazy, but they have shaped me. Some things that I thought were so important aren’t, and some that I lost sight of are even more so. I’m blessed with family, friends, a Church family that cares about me, and a job...well, jobs....that I love. “Juliet?” Well, she’s not there right now, but hopefully. Am I advertising? LOL...I’ve thought of it, but maybe tomorrow. (I do have Alan Jackson tickets on the 20th...) To quote Kershaw or McGraw, ‘I ain’t as good as I’m gonna get, but I’m better than I used to be.’ And, hopefully, I just might do things better!

But, don’t take that sentence as me bragging. There were many days of tears, doubt, and sadness that led me to this point. I guess what the morale of all this is – at times, we’re all just looking to find our way across the street. The cars, and trucks move fast – a lot faster than I moved ten years ago, let alone now. But, there was someone leading me across that street. And, even though I still get caught up with “me” at times, and my eye tends to wander more than most, I know who has led this dog thus far....and I just want to say thank you!