Friday, July 10, 2009

R.I.P. # 9

If you're like me, this week has been one that you won't forget anytime soon. This past Saturday afternoon, about 3:30, my quiet weekend was interrupted by the ringing of a phone call from a friend telling me that Channel 4 was reporting that Steve McNair, the QB from Alcorn State who gave Nashvillians so many great memories had been killed.

As I turned on the TV and saw that it was true, my mind raced back to 1999...and the euphoria that the mid-state was in when the Titans made their Super Bowl run. Even though there were times that season where people wanted Jeff Fisher to play back-up Neil O'Donnell, the coach was true to his QB...and it paid off with many great memories until McNair was traded to Baltimore in 2006. Even then, Steve still had one more memorable game at LP Field, leading the Ravens to a last-second win that fall.

If you have kept up with this story at all, you know it is a very tragic one indeed. I'm not going to go into the details, because it's been talked about and talked about. I do, however, want to react to the people (well-intentioned they may be) who have had their comments this week about McNair being (or in their eyes, not being) a role model for people.

Pardon me for just a second. Above and beyond all, Steve McNair was a human being----like me, like you. He was one who ,during the course of his life, did a lot of great things for Nashville and its' citizens that we know about...but some things I am sure that we don't. Even though the Cowboys have always had my heart, as time went had to develop a special place for Steve McNair and the Titans. As a football player and leader, he didn't quit.

Being a human being, however, presents its' downfalls. I guess to be honest, I have some degree of problem with people who leave it up to public figures to raise their children and be their role models. I say that, fully knowing that when I was a child, I had my heroes....and I was very much aware of the outside world.....but my parents didn't let the TV or Pop culture world raise me....though they did give me the freedom to find out what right and wrong meant....

Steve McNair owed nobody anything. He owed the Titans and their fans his best efforts on the field, but he didn't have to worry about what anyone thought about him. I would say, conditions of his death aside, he did a very good job in being an influence to people....but it was optional. I know there are some children out there who didn't have the childhood that I did. I am fully aware that sometimes you have to go outside your family or inner circle for influences.....but if you think a singer, or a TV star, or an athlete always does the right're setting yourself up for a fall.

Overall, I considered and will continue to consider myself a fan of Steve McNair. I hope and pray that his life, and maybe his death teaches us all to cease throwing stones. None of us are perfect, and that starts with me.

I will close with a little bit of a history lesson. Those who sneer when McNair has been called a leader of men this week.....keep this in mind. Franklin Roosevelt might very well have been the best Chief Executive the U.S. has ever seen, but thankfully there was no CNN or Fox News around in April of 1945 when he died in Warm Springs. Who was with him on that trip, and where was Eleanor? Does that take anything away from his leadership? I don't think so. You could pretty much take any President since then, and find places where their armor was a little rusty.....but does it take away from the good that they did? I don't think so. I am not justifying or trying to hold up anything that happened.....but if 75 news reporters were snooping around in your closet....What would they find? It's something to think about!

In any case, let our thoughts and prayers go to those who truly matter at this time----the McNair family. Regardless of cause, they have lost a son, husband, brother, and father....and that's the greatest loss. Rest In Peace, Mr. McNair, you will be missed!