Friday, January 3, 2014

RIP, Brownie, 1998-2014

November 8, 1998. It was a Sunday afternoon. The Dallas Cowboys were playing the New York Giants. (It may sound strange, but the Cowboys are somehow linked to the timeline of my life. For the most part, from 1998 on back – that was a good thing!) My mother and I drove out to Lyles to pick up a new dog – a Shitzapoo (?) named Brownie. I remember on the way home she didn’t dare get out from under the towel that my mother had with her. Needless to say, the dog lost its’ shyness pretty quick.

She became the apple of everyone’s eye. Her most prominent sitting position was right beside my mother in her blue recliner. But all three of us had our special moments with her. She was an amazing dog – but, as you can imagine – nobody thought of her as an animal.

To say she was spoiled would be like saying Highway 48 has curves, or Beyonce is kind of attractive. It would be an understatement. I don’t know how many trips I took (even to Walmart) between 1998 and 2006 when I didn’t bring back home a squeaker toy. Typically, she would play with it for thirty seconds, then that was it. And you didn’t dare recycle them. She was way too smart for that! She also ate plenty of human food – turkey from the Thanksgiving table – and microwavable popcorn – one of her favorites. She loved to chase the school bus in the afternoons. I remember seeing Randy Tidwell drive 51 down the road, and her running back and forth until the bus got out of sight – the wind blowing through her hair. 

Over the past fifteen years, she was one of my best friends. If I was down because of my job status or dating status, she was there. But, losing Mama in 2005 was something that I don’t know if I could have gotten through. I remember one time around Christmas, the day was particularly rough. She jumped on the couch with me, and let me cry.

 I moved out in April 2007. But, every time I would go over to the house, I would pick her up and love on her. Funny, a couple of people that I became involved with over the years didn’t like the attention I gave the dog – as I hated to leave her by herself if I was the only one at the house. They’re long gone – but she remained!

 As I went through a divorce a couple of years ago and was in a state of flux for awhile, I would sometimes dogsit at Dad and Marcia’s. It was an emotional time. But, I always had an ear to listen. 

You know where this is headed. Brownie went from this life to the other side this morning. Mama used to say because she was so feisty that she was sent tumbling from the “Hole In The Floor Of Heaven,” a reference to the Steve Wariner hit. (Yes, Dallas Cowboys and Country Music. I know.) Well, she earned her wings. I hope she’s up with Mama chasing a school bus, and eating all the popcorn she wants. My heart, though hurting, breaks especially for my father and Marcia – as tonight will be the first time in years they’re there but she’s not. They have given her the best over the years, and I am grateful to them for that – and the love they have for all animals and me. 

My favorite author of all time is Lewis Grizzard. On the back of The Last Bus To Albuquerque, a book published after his passing in March 1994, there was an illustration of him holding his typewriter while walking into the pearly gates, and all the dogs he had were running out to greet him – including his beloved “Catfish,” who died a few months before he did. I can only hope that is how it is for all of us – to be greeted by our furry friends. If that’s not what you believe, well frankly I don’t give a …. In my mind, it wouldn’t be heaven without them. No pain, and popcorn all day. LOL...Sounds good! Brownie, I miss you! Even though there was that one time you bit me on the nose, I will let it slide!