Sunday, October 5, 2014

Goodnight, Dallas!

I haven’t blogged much lately on a personal front. There has been a lot of stuff going on, but trying to find the words to say it in an eloquent manner is kind of eluding me at the moment. But, hopefully it will. I have been blessed to have been a little bit of here, there, and everywhere lately – I’ll share more info about that later...But, today, I must write about bidding adieu to an old friend.....

This past Friday, I was in West Tennessee, and I was checking Facebook for what seemed like the 173,321st time of the day. And, I saw the news which hit me like a bullet through the heart - “TNT Cancels Dallas.” You know how sometimes you expect something to happen, but when you see it – it still hits you? That’s how I felt Friday afternoon about 4pm. A 40-year old man....sad about the cancellation of a...soap opera? Yes, and let me explain.

Back in the late 1970s, Television was a great place – and that was just with three or four channels. One of my favorite parts of the week was watching “The Dukes Of Hazzard” on Friday nights. At four or five, I don’t remember what the appeal was – maybe the car, maybe the “cool” factor – I was much too young to have lusted after Catherine Bach – that came later – but Friday nights were it for me. I don’t recall having a specific bedtime at that age, but my parents seemed to also enjoy this show that came on after it....called “Dallas.” I figured out that if I acted interested in the show, I could put off bedtime from 9 until 10pm. But, the funny thing was....I actually became interested in the show – and all the way until the final episode of the CBS original aired on May 3, 1991 – (I took off from school that day. Trust me, I remember!), I was hooked on the weekly trials and tribulations of the most dysfunctional family that ever resided west of the Mississippi – the Ewings. Friday nights – no matter what else was going on in my life growing up – were big because of the happenings at Southfork Ranch.

Why Dallas? I think it always offered a bit of pure escapism. The first eight seasons of the show were about as brilliant as dramatic TV gets – after that, it was kind of hit or miss, but it was still “Must See TV” to me. Of course, at the center of the drama was the villainous JR Ewing, played by Larry Hagman. Back in my high school days, I actually dressed in a business suit and cowboy hat and carried a briefcase on “Character Day” as JR himself. (Suffice to say, I never was cool at DCHS, but I was me)......Maybe I wanted to be JR – have that quick wit, that power with women. Heck, I’m 40 and I still do!

You know how a lot of people who are fans of “Star Trek” are called “Trekkies?’ I’m the same way....with “Dallas.” Outside of my closest family....I probably know more about the Ewing family tree than mine.....So, reruns and reunion movies over the years were always huge events. And, then in 2012, came word that TNT was going to bring the show back. And, in June of that year – the 18th to be precise, I was there. The continuation of the show was entertaining and fun, and Hagman’s 80-year old portrayal of JR was more like the early years than the buffoon he was at the end of the CBS years. But, on cable TV, it’s a tough draw to keep an audience...and the writing didn’t help at times either. It could be hit or miss, with a plot started one week – and forgotten about two weeks later. But, mediocre “Dallas” is still better than most other TV.....and the show did have its’ high points – such as season two, which featured the passing of JR Ewing (following Hagman’s death) and the white-hot chemistry of Josh Henderson as John Ross Ewing and Julie Gonzalo as Pamela Barnes – a Ewing and a Barnes together - Sound familiar? (But, to be fair, Gonzalo is so gorgeous that all one needs is a pulse not to be a little bit excited if you were doing a love scene with her!)

The series ended with a cliffhanger episode about three weeks ago – without word on whether TNT would renew the series for a fourth season. Friday, the word came. No more “Dallas.” Well, to be honest, I’m more than kind of bummed. Though I wasn’t always pleased with every plot twist the past three years, “Dallas” once again helped me to escape the trials and tribulations of my life – which were a little bit more serious since 2012 than 1982! And, for that alone, I am grateful. Maybe another network will pick it up, but I am not really optimistic. The ratings weren’t that good.....but if nothing else...the show brought three things to my attention....

  • Josh Henderson is going to be a major TV / Movie / Music star. He chewed up the scenery of every plot he was featured in. He made being bad look as fun as Hagman did years ago! And he has as much charisma as any TV star I have seen since Clooney first hit the ER.
  • I got to meet Linda Gray when she and Henderson hit Nashville as part of a promotional tour for TNT during the premiere week of the show back in 2012. Next to Elizabeth Montgomery in Bewitched, Sue Ellen Ewing is the absolute bomb of female characters in TV history
  • And, we got to hear that classic theme song again – no matter what you might have thought about the show....the theme was larger than life – on a par with Hawaii Five-0 and The Andy Griffith Show.

So, at least for now, Goodnight, Dallas. It was one heck of a ride!