Thursday, August 23, 2012

We Are The Same....

The past two weeks have been among the most exhilarating of my career. This weekend marks the one-year anniversary of my job at Billboard Magazine. I give God all the credit on that one. What a week to celebrate it with a one-on-one with Lisa Marie Presley backstage after her Opry debut this past Tuesday night. I am blessed. There’s no doubt about it, and I don’t take it for granted!

A few people have asked me how she was. She’s very quiet and unassuming. People have said before how shy Elvis was, and I see where she gets it. Of course, she gets her charisma and looks naturally. Between her father – as well as her mother, she’s one of the most stunning people I ever have been around. It was truly a night that I won’t forget anytime soon.

There have been a lot of those moments lately. A little bit of nostalgia mixed with a wave of the future. Last week, I became heavily interested in a Facebook group that included my fellow classmates from DCHS, Class of 1992. My 20th class reunion is coming up in a few weeks, and unless a business trip takes me out of state, I am planning on going. That is a big step for me.

It’s not that High School was a bad time in my life. Truth be told, I wasn’t really there. There is a record of me being a student from 1989-1992, but I tried to get through those three years as quietly as I could. I spent more time studying the music business than I did anything else. That’s where my passion was even then. I remember in eighth grade English class, I got into trouble for reading a magazine in class during something else I should have been doing. The magazine? It starts with a B. I say that not to boast. If your car breaks down, I am useless. Plumbing around your house? A call to me would be a wasted one. But, I just have always been drawn to music – even then.

You see, this isn’t about what I did or what I do now. It’s something that I have learned over the past two weeks. Some of the things that my fellow classmates have written have made me realize that we are more the same than I ever thought before. There were a few comments that stated they were just trying to get by day-to-day, or talking about how other people’s words made them feel inadequate. And, the ones saying these things surprised me. Some of them were on top of the world during those years – in my eyes. Good times – or bad times – are not always what it seems.

I thought I was the only one who was scared of getting made fun of. Turns out I wasn’t. Don’t get me wrong, while nobody is ever liked by everybody, I only had a problem with three people during my days on Cougar Hill. Now, neither of those three have made those comments, but I bet those years weren’t as careless and fun for them, either.

I guess what I am saying is that I see a lot of things (and people) differently than I ever have before. And, that’s very refreshing. You never know how you are looked upon – then or now. People have thought I was a snob at times, I am sure. I – even to this day, am so scared that someone is going to reject who I am or what I do that if I don’t know you, I am going to be very quiet. But, if I ever have offended anyone as being aloof or snobbish. I do apologize. I didn’t mean to. I was simply insecure. Even twenty years later, I still am to some extent. Though I had plenty of friends back then, I wish I had been more extroverted. Might have been a lot of fun! If anyone reads this who is in High School, I say not to worry about what others think because (as my Sociology teacher Emma Hall once tried to teach us) – the people who you think are thinking about you more than likelyaren’t. But, also get to know people – deep down, they are not as intimidating as they seem to be!

I want to close with a preview of what my next blog will be about –’re on pins and needles right now, aren’t you? I want your advice on something that I have had a few discussions with people about lately....the off switch. Being connected all the time.....good thing or bad thing? Would love to hear from you on this......Have a good week, everyone!